Gib Guided
Presses designed to counter the effects of off center loading. Rigid steel frames with gib guided slides maintain parallelism under severe loading conditions.
Heavy, pretensioned frame provides maximum rigidity and minimum deflection for accurate parts and long tool life.
- Guided slide with 8- point gibbing. Adjustable self-lubricated bearings.
- Dual Palm Button control: anti-tie down, non-repeat controls with ring guards; conforms to OSHA.
- PLC press control is flexible and safe. PLC controls allow for customized press cycles.
- The press table is removable, making it quick and easy to drill and tap tool-mounting holes or resurface the table.
- Wide range of hydraulic systems to match your requirements.
- Large daylight and throat depth to accommodate large dies.
- Long stroke lengths are available with rapid close and open.
- Pressure and distance reversal systems are standard.
- More working area, stroke, and tonnage.
- Speed and Force control.
- Touch Screen control: Process feedback and simplified setups.
- T-Slots and mounting holes: custom designed for your tooling.
- Light curtains: improved safety for press operation; can also be used for PSDI.
- Automatic cycle operation.
- Auto leveling with multiple cylinders
Contact the sales department for more information.